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Concerns growing over COVID-related heart issues and athletes
Possible COVID-19-related heart issues raise concerns for athletes
Post-COVID heart concerns in young athletes: When is more testing and rest needed?
Are COVID-19 vaccines causing heart problems in athletes?
COVID-19 linked to deadly heart condition in student athletes
Local cardiologist weighs in on COVID-19 and potential heart issues in athletes
5 student-athletes have a rare heart condition potentially linked to COVID-19, reports say
Coronavirus: Heart Damage After Covid-19 Spurs Call to Screen College Athletes
Myocarditis Secondary to COVID-19 and Concerns in the Athlete | 2021 SUMMER LECTURE SERIES
Heart Inflammation In Young People With COVID-19: 'Are These People At Risk?'
COVID-19 & the Heart: Safely Returning to Sports
COVID-19 cardiac study suggests increased heart health risks for patients